While waxing poetic about my new Pogoplug, I notice that the device that sits right next to it on the bookshelf -- a Monsoon Multimedia Hava box -- hasn't had a software update for almost a year. My Hava works great over the network: I use it with both my laptop and my iPhone when I'm on the road or in a place with reasonable broadband access.
But now I notice that there haven't been any software or firmware updates for a year. What gives?
A quick look at the website seems to indicate that something is up, and that something is a product that attempts to converge new, online video sources with the iPad. Other devices are supported as well, but it looks like the iPad is the target.
I imagine the idea is "TV in your lap." Anywhere you can get a wireless connection, you should be able to playback the video you have recorded as well as stream video from a variety of sources. Devices other than the iPad are mentioned, but the main idea is to profit from the hype of the coming iPad.
In the meantime, the older Hava seems to get a little attention -- very little. Are the benefits worthy of an upgrade. Doesn't seem like it. And, still no justification to acquire an iPad.